Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What can we, the people do: Svami Veda Bharati on how tackle Terrorism

Svami Veda Bharati:

The answer to terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.

The streets of Mumbai are now full.

Leopold Café, next to the Iconic Taj Hotel, had suffered shocking violence.  Within 24 hours of the ending of commando action the café opened as the owners and the Manager said, "we cannot give to the terrorists the satisfaction that they have succeeded".

A nine year old girl heard of the attacks and was terrified, suffering from shock and fever.

Her father brought her to Leopold Café to light a candle.

A small crowd gathered beaming and smiling.  She lit the candle and smiled.

The people from the crowd patted her on the back.

She went home free of shock and fear, with a smile on her face.

This is the answer to terrorism but it requires resilience of mind and spiritual strength.

This is the mood all over India at this time.

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